Starting on Isla Gonzalo part of the Diego Ramirez Islands about 100 km SW of Cape Horn.
Transport to join the team
Reaching the beagle channel
Leaving for Diego Ramirez
Lighthouse station on Gonzalo Island
Grey-headed albatross
Part of the team: Roy MacKenzie and Tamara Contador
View from the station
Orthotrichum crassifolium
Ramalina terebrata
Macaroni penguin
South American sea lion
South American fur seal
Small pool of fresh water
Taking relevés
Another view from the station
Orthotrichum crassifolium
Leaving Diego
Executive seating!
More pictures will be added.
At the end of the field work, I met , and we seem to only meet in Puerto Williams, on Navarino, with Shaun Russell. Here we are flying back on a chartered plane with a delegation from Ecuador that had visited Puerto Williams. The flight over the Biosphere Reserve was amazing, as the sky was for the most part blue, and the winds virtually absent.
Shaun Russell and Bernard on a flight back from Puerto Williams to Punta Arenas. December 2016