Author: Bernard Goffinet

New NSF grant

Our proposal “Collaborative Research: Starting from scratch with Sticta: Evolution, diversification, and conservation of a megadiverse flagship lichen genus” led by Drs. T. Lumbsch, R. Lücking (The Field Museum) is recommended for funding!

Emily Behling goes to Evolution meeting

Emily Behling, the undergraduate researcher working with Lily Lewis has received an Undergraduate Diversity at Evolution travel award to attend this summer’s Evolution meeting and present her work. She will present a poster on her work and be set up with mentors during the meeting. She and 24 other students from across the nation were selected from a pool of 80 applicants. Congratulations Emily and Lily.

Emily Behling got a SURF

Emily Behling, an undergraduate in Biology mentored by Lily Lewis and working on the diaspores carried by migratory birds in their plumage won a SURF  (Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship). Congratulations. the

New publication

Hodkinson, B. P., J. L. Allen, L. Forrest, B. Goffinet, E. Sérusiaux, Ó. S. Andrésson, V. Miao, P. Bellenger & F. Lutzoni. 2014. Lichen-symbiotic cyanobacteria have an alternative vanadium-dependent nitrogen fixation system. European Journal of Phycology  49(1): 11-19. pdf