Brenden Thomson (M.Sc.) The Physcomitrium pyriforme complex in North America: the non-hybrid lineages.
Started 2021
Vidya Vuruputoor (Ph.D., Polyloid plant genomes), co-advised with Dr. Jill Wegrzyn.
Started 2019
Zach Muscavitch (Ph.D., lichen symbiosis), co-advised with Dr. Louise Lewis.
Kristin Anderson, M.Sc.: Genome Size Variation & Endopolyploidy in the Moss Physcomitrium pyriforme sensu lato.
Nasim Rahmatpour, Ph.D.: Pattern of gene expression during shift in ploidy and function in the moss Funaria hygrometrica (co-advised with Dr. Jill Wegrzyn). Currently: Director of Genomics at Analytical BioSciences Limited, in San Francisco Bay area
Charles Delavoi, M.Sc.: Learning facilitator, Biology at 360 High School, Providence, RI.
Jessica M. Budke, Ph.D.: Examining the gametophytic calyptra and its role in sporophyte development of the moss Funaria hygrometrica Hedw. (co-advised with Dr. Cynthia Jones). Currently: Associate Professor and director of the herbarium in EEB at the University of Tennessee.
Juan Carlos Villarreal, Ph.D.: Origin and evolution of the hornwort Nothoceros aenigmaticus. Currently: Associate Professor at the University of Laval, Quebec, Canada.
Norm Wickett, Ph.D.: Chloroplast evolution in the non-photosynthetic liverwort Cryptothallus mirabilis). Currently: faculty at Clemson University, SC.
Jessica Budke, M.Sc.: Peristome development and phylogenetic relationships of the moss Timmia megapolitana Hedw. Stayed and completed Ph.D. (2011)
Neva Hax, M.Sc.: Monograph of Bryoxiphium (Bryophyta). Then obtained a Master in Special Education at Boston College.