Current and past graduate students


Started 2023 Brenden Thomson (M.Sc.) The Physcomitrium pyriforme complex in North America: the non-hybrid lineages.
Started 2021 Vidya Vuruputoor (Ph.D., Polyloid plant genomes), co-advised with Dr. Jill Wegrzyn.
Started 2019 Zach Muscavitch Zach Muscavitch (Ph.D., lichen symbiosis), co-advised with Dr. Louise Lewis.


2023 Kristin Anderson Kristin Anderson, M.Sc.: Genome Size Variation & Endopolyploidy in the Moss Physcomitrium pyriforme sensu lato.
2019 Nasim2 Nasim Rahmatpour, Ph.D.: Pattern of gene expression during shift in ploidy and function in the moss Funaria hygrometrica (co-advised with Dr. Jill Wegrzyn). Currently: Director of Genomics at Analytical BioSciences Limited, in San Francisco Bay area
2018 Charlie_SM Charles Delavoi, M.Sc.: Learning facilitator, Biology at 360 High School, Providence, RI.
2015 Hannah_Gousse Hannah Gousse, BS/MS in conservation biology
2015 LLewis_Chile Lily Lewis,  Ph.D.Resolving bipolar phylogeographic histories in the common dung moss Tetraplodon (Bryopsida: Splachnaceae). Currently: Director of postdoctoral affairs and academic communications at the University of Florida.
2011 Jessica Jessica M. Budke, Ph.D.Examining the gametophytic calyptra and its role in sporophyte development of the moss Funaria hygrometrica Hedw. (co-advised with Dr. Cynthia Jones). Currently: Associate Professor and director of the herbarium in EEB at the University of Tennessee.
2011 JuanCarlos Juan Carlos Villarreal, Ph.D.Origin and evolution of the hornwort Nothoceros aenigmaticus. Currently: Associate Professor at the University of Laval, Quebec, Canada.
2007 Norm_2001 Norm Wickett, Ph.D.Chloroplast evolution in the non-photosynthetic liverwort Cryptothallus mirabilis). Currently: faculty at Clemson University, SC.
2006  Jessica2 Jessica Budke, M.Sc.: Peristome development and phylogenetic relationships of the moss Timmia megapolitana Hedw. Stayed and completed Ph.D. (2011)
2006 Neva Hax, M.Sc.: Monograph of Bryoxiphium (Bryophyta). Then obtained a Master in Special Education at Boston College.